Constitution of the Chinese Economic Association (UK)
The name of this corporation, hereinafter referred to as the Association, shall be the Chinese Economic Association UK/Europe.
CEA UK was launched in 1988. CEA Europe was launched in 2008, as a major expansion of activities by the CEA (UK). While CEA Europe and CEA UK can be used as two separate brand names for activities, they will both be under the governance of only one executive board for CEA (UK/Europe) and regulated by this constitution. Hereinafter, CEA stands for CEA UK/Europe in this constitution.
See CEA UK/Europe Organisation Structure (Appendix One).
1. The Association is an independent, non-profit-making academic society of scholars, researchers, students and business executives interested in China’s economic development.
Its objectives are:
- To encourage and promote academic exchanges and research activities on the Chinese economy and management among, but not limited to, its members;
- To facilitate co-operation and participation in research efforts among economic professionals, in the academic, government, and corporate sectors, who share interests in economic and business relations between China and the U.K., and European nations in general;
- To advance knowledge about economic development in China among the general public.
2. The Association shall pursue these objectives by professional means, including seminars, conferences and publications, and other activities designed to further the development and dissemination of economics and management sciences in China.
1. Qualifications.
Any individual person or organisation having a professional interest in the Chinese economy shall be eligible for membership in the Association and may become a member thereof by making a proper application to the Secretary of the Association and by paying dues as prescribed.
2. Classes of members.
There shall be five categories of membership, namely:
(a) Full membership
Those individuals involved in the study of China’s economy;
(b) Student membership
Those individuals who are attached as full time or part time students to educational institutions;
(c) Corporate membership
Those organisations involved in academic and other economic activities related to China;
(d) Associate membership
Those individuals and organisations invited by the Executive Board of the Association;
(e) Fellow membership
Those outstanding scholars who have made a significant contribution to research on the Chinese economy or to the affairs of the Association over an extended period. Candidates for fellow membership need to be nominated by two existing CEA board members via a voting process and approved by the Executive Board (see Appendix Two for Fellow Membership Regulations).
3. Resignation of members
Any member may, at any time, file his or her resignation in writing with the Secretary of the Association, which resignation shall become effective as of the date it is received by the Secretary.
4. Termination of membership
The Executive Board may terminate the membership of any member who has violated the Constitution or for non-payment of dues.
1. Power of the executive board
The board shall be the administrative body of the Association and shall have the power and authority to do and perform all acts and functions necessary for the operation of the Association, in accordance with the objectives of the Association as stated in Article II and resolutions adopted at annual general meetings of the Association.
2. Constitution and duties
The board shall consist of the president, the vice president, the president-elect, the general secretary, the treasurer, and ten other people, who shall be hereinafter referred to as directors, and all of whom shall be members in good standing with the Association and who shall be elected as hereinafter provided. The members of the executive board of directors should constitute a balance between the former CEA UK and CEA Europe.
(a) The President
The President is responsible for the overall management of the Association and serves a one-year term. The President may be re-elected by the board for another one-year term, non-consecutively. To be eligible for President, a candidate must have been a member of the Association for more than two years and must have served as the president-elect for one year.
(b) The Vice President
The function of Vice President is the same as for the other Directors under normal conditions. He/she, however, exercises the functions of the President when the President cannot execute his/her duties for various reasons. The most recent past-president shall automatically become the Vice President at such time as when he/she has completed his/her term of presidency. The term of the Vice President shall be one year. The executive board may appoint more vice presidents, each of whom will be in charge of respective affairs.
(c) The President-elect
The president-elect is responsible for the regular annual conference and fundraising activities for the Association together with the President and the Treasurer. The President-elect shall be elected by the Board at its first meeting after the annual general meeting of the Association and serve a one-year term. To be eligible for the President-elect, a candidate must have served as a board director for at least one year.
(d) The General Secretary
The General Secretary shall co-ordinate the editing of the Association’s Newsletters and keep minutes of the resolutions and proceedings of each board meeting and each general meeting. Minutes of proceedings shall be approved by the person presiding at the meeting. In co-ordination with the President and Vice-President, the General Secretary shall monitor and remind the board directors about any actions required in accordance with the annual working plan of the Association. The term of the General Secretary shall be two years.
(e) The Treasurer
The treasurer is in charge of the Treasury of the Association (see Appendix Three for The Treasury). The treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due to the Association and make all payments authorised by the Association. The treasurer shall keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the Association with full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the Association. The treasurer shall prepare and furnish to the board reports of the operations of the Association together with a financial statement of receipts and expenditure for the year before the annual general meeting of the members of the Association. This report, once scrutinised and approved by the board, shall be presented at the annual general meeting. The term of the Treasurer shall be two years.
3.Election and tenure of directors
Directors shall be elected by the members at the annual general meetings of the Association. The term for board directors is normally four years or until their successors are appointed. A director may be re-elected for another term, either consecutively or non-consecutively. Every two years at least two positions of the board directors are open for election. The term of office for directors shall commence immediately following the annual meeting in the year in which elected. Four candidates shall be nominated for two director positions to be filled every two years and the ballot shall provide for write-in votes. The two candidates receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected directors for a four-year term. A tied vote shall be resolved by chance, conducted under the supervision of the election tellers, and reported to the executive board.
4. Meetings
The executive board shall meet regularly at least bi-annually to discuss association issues. Special meetings may be called by the executive director upon the request of five or more directors of the board or may be held at the call of the president of the Association.
5. Voting
At any meeting of the executive board, a majority of directors (8 directors) shall constitute a quorum. The act of a majority of the executive board present at a duly called meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the executive board. Any action required or permitted to be taken by the executive board at a meeting or by resolution may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing or electronically, setting forth the action so taken, shall be obtained from all voting members of the executive board then in office.
6. Vacancies
For vacancies in director positions, by reason of resignation, death, inability to serve, or otherwise, the executive board shall appoint a member of the Association, in good standing, to serve until an election may be held at the next regularly scheduled election, at which time the unexpired term, if any, shall be filled by election of members of the Association. The executive board shall determine when vacancies exist and shall take appropriate action to fill such vacancies.
7. Termination of the board membership
The Executive Board may terminate the board membership of any director who has failed: to attend the board meeting three times consecutively (unless it is specially approved by the board); or to fulfil their assigned duties; or to pay their dues.
Nominations for the President Elect, Treasurer, General Secretary, and directors of the Executive Board shall be submitted to the General Secretary not later than fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting in the year in which an election takes place. The President Elect, Treasurer, and General Secretary shall be nominated by the Executive Board. Each of the other nominated directors for the Executive Board shall be nominated by any two members of the Association, provided the nominee is willing to stand for election.
1. The duties of the regents and the board
The Board of Regents of CEA UK/Europe is a mainly consultative body for the Association. CEA UK/Europe’s long-term strategic decisions (e.g. the constitution revisions/changes) shall be approved by the Board of Regents. The Board of Regents shall be invited to attend the meetings with strategic importance to CEA. It reserves the right of the final interpretation of this constitution. The Board of Regents can advise, but not overrule the President and the Executive Board on issues regarding annual operations and regular matters affecting the growth of the Association. The Board of Regents has the right to request CEA reports and the president shall provide them as requested. The Board of Regents supervises the operations of the disciplinary committee. The rules for the appointment and termination of disciplinary committee members are in Appendix Four.
2. Election and tenure
The CEA regents shall appoint the Chairman of the Board of Regents and the Chairman reports to the General Assembly of the Association. The term for the Chairman is three years and can be renewed once. The CEA Board of Regents consists of at least six members and these members shall be nominated by two existing members of the CEA executive board and approved by the CEA executive board.
3. Meetings
The Board of Regents shall meet regularly at least annually. The President and the General Secretary of the CEA Executive Board will be non-voting members of the Board of Regents and are expected to be present at the Regents meetings.
4. Termination
Membership of the Board of Regents may be terminated by the resignation or decease of the member, or by a decision to terminate a member made by the Regents in consultation with the CEA executive board.
The Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (JCEBS) is the official journal of the Association. The Executive Board of CEA and the Board of Regents shall appoint the Editor-in-Chief, and approve Co-Editors nominated by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the operations of the Editorial Board and shall be either a director of the Association’s executive board or a member of the regent board (see Appendix Five for Editorial Board regulations). The term for the Editor-in-Chief is three years and this can be renewed once. The Editor-in-Chief needs to report to the executive board about the operations of the journal at least once a calendar year.
Changes in amounts of dues shall be initiated by or through the executive board. Changes in dues for all classes of members shall be submitted to the general membership for approval.
1. Scheduling and notice
An annual meeting of the general membership of the Association shall be held at a time and place established by the executive board, as well as such other meetings as the executive board may determine. Notice of each meeting shall be provided to each member at least four weeks in advance of said meeting as directed by the executive board.
2. Voting and quorum requirements
Fifty members of the Association at any duly called and convened meeting of the Association shall constitute a quorum. Each member of the Association having voting power shall have one vote; voting by proxy shall not be permitted. A majority of the votes cast at any meeting of the Association at which a quorum is present shall be determinative of the issue or resolution except as otherwise specifically provided herein.
3. Resolutions
All resolutions pertaining to policy matters or involving appropriations of monies of the association presented from the floor at annual meetings of the association for approval must be submitted at least one full week in advance to the executive board. The executive board shall report all such proposed resolutions, and resolutions initiated by the executive board, to the general membership to vote for or against passage of such resolutions.
1. Committees
The executive board may provide for the creation of standing committees, special committees, and sub-committees in accordance with the needs of the Association.
2. Treasury
The executive board supervises the operations of the Treasury.
- The executive board has the authority to approve or reject membership of the Treasury.
- The rules for the appointment and termination of treasury members are set out in Appendix Two.
3. Working Groups
The executive board supervises the operation of the Working Groups.
- The executive board has the authority to approve or reject membership of the working groups.
- The rules for the appointment and termination of working group members are set out in Appendix Six.
This Constitution shall be effective upon ratification either by two-thirds vote of the executive board members of the Association present at the meeting, and subject to quorum being met, or by vote at any annual meeting of the Association at which a quorum as defined herein is present, or by majority vote of members returning ballots by mail or electronic means. Ratification of this Constitution shall serve to repeal all prior Constitutions and Charters of this Association, except as otherwise provided for a transitional period.
This Constitution may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the executive board members, approved by the bord of regents and voting at any annual meeting of the Association at which a quorum is present, or by majority vote of members of the Association returning ballots by mail or electronic means.
Appendix One: CEA UK/ Europe Organisational Structure
Appendix Two: Fellow Membership Regulations
Appendix Four: Disciplinary Committee and Relevant Policies and Procedures