Jobs and related announcements

CEA is pleased to publish announcements here about jobs or other opportunities of particular interest to those professionally involved with Chinese economic activity in China, the UK, Europe or other parts of the Chinese diaspora.

Hong Kong Shue Yan University

The Department of Sociology seeks a candidate for one full-time position who has a strong background in economic sociology or entrepreneurship. Title and salary will depend on the applicants' qualifications, teaching experience and research profile. Preference will be given to applicants with a relevant Ph.D. by the time of appointment. Applicants who are close to finishing their dissertation also will be considered.

Applications should be addressed to: The University Secretary, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Breamar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong. It should contain (a) a cover letter, (b) a complete CV including list of publications, (c) a sample of recent publications (which will be returned), and (d) 3 references to be sent directly from the referees.

For further information about the University and the Department of Sociology, please visit For enquiries please send email to Closing date is 30 November 2012.

Departmental Lecturer in the Economy of China: University of Oxford

The China Studies Programme in the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies seeks applications for a full time, fixed term Departmental Lectureship in the Economy of China to assist in teaching, marking and supervision for the MSc in Modern Chinese Studies. Activities will include delivering lectures, leading classes, tutorial teaching, and marking class essays over the course of three terms each year. Duties will also involve: supervising or co-supervising dissertations, participating in the marking of extended essays and dissertations, examining, and keeping office hours for consultation by masters students. Further information.

Postdoctoral Fellowships: China Economic Research Center, Sweden

The China Economic Research Center (CERC) at Stockholm School of Economics offers postdoctoral fellowships to young scholars doing research on the Chinese economy. Fellows will spend three years at CERC, offering an opportunity to develop their research skills in a dynamic environment. The position is for research in economics and finance focusing on China, with the possibility of some area-specific teaching. Further information.

Other recent posts:

The China Center for Health Development Studies (CCHDS) at Peking University advertised here for several assistant and associate professors of health policy and economics. Positions to remain open until filled.

The University of Nottingham School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, recently advertised several job vacancies here with various closing dates. Further details.

The China Research Center of Public Policy (CRCPP) recently advertised several research and managerial and opportunities. CRCPP job details

Manager, Macroeconomic/Financial Market Analysis with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

Trade Policy Analyst at WTO (World Trade Organization), Switzerland.

Senior Professionals Recruitment by China Investment Corporation (CIC).

Lecturer in International Business, The York Management School, University of York, UK. Details.

S/Lecturer, International Business & Strategy, School of Business & Economics, Loughborough University, UK.

Marie Curie post-doctoral research fellow at GREQAM, University Aix-Marseille II, France.