
If you wish to send money to CEA immediately, please use our online donations page.

Like many other non-profit-making organisations, the CEA (UK) needs financial support. A great part of our funding has so far come from a number of UK government agencies and commercial concerns on an irregular basis.

We are therefore calling upon all organisations with an interest in the Chinese economy to support the CEA (UK) and its activities by donating generously or sponsoring our individual events. CEA (UK) is an extremely efficient organisation with all its executive officers working on a voluntary basis. Hence all your money contributes directly to further the understanding of the economic environment of the Chinese market, which is no doubt beneficial to your organisation.

The CEA (UK) is an independent, non-profit-making research association of scholars, researchers and people in other professions in the UK who are concerned with China's economic development. CEA (UK) is officially registered as UK Charity No. 802041). The objectives of the association as stated in its Charter are (a) to advance the knowledge of the general public of economic development in China, and (b) to promote research on the Chinese economy and to publish the useful results thereof.

The Association is privileged to have had Professor Charles Goodhart CBE FBA as its trustee. It currently has over 250 members coming from a large number of UK and other European higher education institutions and from across social science disciplines. Many of our members have formerly worked in many government organisations in China such as the State Council, the State Planning Commission, the State Economic Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China. Many of our members are also from the UK business community who are doing or are planning to do business with China.

Since its founding, the CEA (UK) has organised a wide range of activities, including the publication of a quarterly newsletter, publication of special issues on China in academic journals, the circulation of discussion paper series, holding of academic seminars (many of these seminars have been supported by ESRC grants), and annual conferences.

Our activities have been well attended by people not only from academia, but also from the business community because they have met an urgent demand in the field of Chinese economic studies in the UK. They served to bring together scholars and students from various UK higher educational institutions and disciplines researching in the Chinese economy and the reforms to exchange information, views and research results. They also provided an important point of contact for people from the business and academic communities to share experience and information related to the Chinese economy and UK-China trade.

Benefits to sponsors


If you would like to sponsor our activities, please make cheques payable to CEA(UK) and send to:

Dr Jian Chen,
Business School,
University of Greenwich,
Old Royal Naval College,
Park Row Greenwich,
London SE10 9LS

Email: J.Chen@gre.ac.uk