Oxford Forum on China and the World Economy
Oxford Institute for Global Economic Developmentand
Department of International Development
Monday afternoon 18 May 2009
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Manor Road Building, Oxford OX1 3UQ
All Welcome
2:00-2:10 - Welcome
Sir Tony Atkinson and Xiaolan Fu
2:10-3:55 - Session 1: China and the world economy
Chair: Tony Venables
2:10-2:45 - China's capacity of managing impacts of global crisis and potentials for further growth
Gang Fan (Director, National Economic Research Institute)
2:45-3:20 - The implications of China and India's growth for the rest of the world
Will Martin (Lead Economist, World Bank)
3:20-3:55 - Has China de-industrialised other developing countries?
Adrian Wood (Oxford University) & Jörg Mayer (UNCTAD)
3:55-4:15 - Coffee Break
4:15-6:00 - Session 2: International trade and investment
Chair: Valpy FitzGerald
4:15-4:50 - Chinese outward foreign direct investment: determinants, policy and impact
Peter Buckley (Professor, Leeds University)
4:50-5:25 - China’s exports and the evolution of global manufactures prices
Xiaolan Fu (Oxford University) & Raphie Kaplinsky (Professor, Open University)
5:25-6:00 - Panel discussion: China and development in Africa
John Knight (Oxford University) & John Toye (Oxford University)
6:00-6:30 - Drinks reception