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Conference Papers for Chinese Economic Association (UK/Europe) Conference, Oxford July 2010

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Papers Presented at Conference

Author/sAffiliation Title (Click for full paper in .pdf format)
Abimbola Babatunde PhD Candidate, Hull University Business School, UK FDI and Economic Growth Redux: A comparison of the effect of trade openness and human capital between BRIMCs and SSA countries
Alastair MacBean China Management Centre, Lancaster University, UK Trade policy and food security
Alessandra Guariglia (et al) Durham Business School, Durham University, UK ---
Andrew Fischer International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands The Great China Currency Debate: For workers or speculators?
Baoshan Zhang (et al) Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 710061, China and School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK Pollutant Emissions, Energy Consumption and Economic Development in China: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Data
Bethuel Kinyanjui Kinuthia PhD student, Leiden University, The Netherlands Economic Recovery of the Manufacturing sector in Malaysia
Boya Wang & Lutao Ning Durham Business School, Durham University, UK Corporate Governance Reform through Internationalization: Case Study of a State-Owned Insurance Company, China Life
Can Huang (et al) United Nations University-MERIT and Maastricht University, The Netherlands Innovation strategy and firm survival: the case of Hong Kong-owned manufacturing in Guangdong province, China
Cao Yong Business School, Nanjing University, China The Dynamic Global Expansion of China’s Iron and Steel Industry: An industrial level assessment on the increasing global imbalance in the global financial crisis era
Carl J. Dahlman Georgetown University, USA Global Challenges from the Rapid Rise of China
Charles C L Kwong School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong Sustaining China's Rural Development under Global Economic Instability: Some Critical Issues
Charles I-Hsin Chen PhD Candidate, Department of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK Privatisation with Chinese Characteristics? A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Privatisation in Chinese State Sector (1994-2008)
Chen, Ho, Wilson & Rasmussen China Europe Int. Business School, Shanghai, China; Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand; Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia Learning from Chinese Enterprises: Chinese Labor Law and models of employment relations 'with Chinese characteristics'
Christian Ploberger Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham, UK Sustainability, environmental degeneration and China's expanding energy need: do various renewable energy sources offer an alternative approach to China's coal-based energy generation?
Chunping Zhong, Qin Xiao, Sanpan Chen & Juan Zhang School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, A Case Study of the Effectiveness of the Agricultural Subsidy Policy: Empirical Evidence from Huangpi District in Wuhan City
Riccardo Cristadoro and Daniela Marconi Bank of Italy Rural and urban households savings in China under different policy scenarios
Dairui Li and Jia Liu Salford Business School, University of Salford, Manchester, UK Determinants of the Life Cycle of Initial Public Offering Companies: A Panel Analysis of Chinese Listed Companies
Dylan Sutherland School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham, UK An Investigation of OFDI Strategies in China’s Private Businesses: 'Round- Tripping' or 'Onward-Journeying'?
Ahmad El-Gohari & Dylan Sutherland Cardiff School of Management, University of Wales; School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham, UK China's special economic zones in Africa: the Egyptian case
Enjun Xia & Xiaohui Liu School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, PRC; Business School Loughborough University, UK Technology spillover effects and the evolution of inter-regional industrial structure in China
Fan Zhang (et al) Durham Business School, Durham University, UK Optimal Currency Composition of the Foreign Reserves of China
Fehmi Bouguezzi LEGI and Faculty of Management and Economic Sciences of Tunis, Tunisia Technology transfer in a linear city with symmetric locations
Fehmi Bouguezzi LEGI and Faculty of Management and Economic Sciences of Tunis, Tunisia Imitation and Patent Licensing in a Cournot market
Fernanda Ilhéu CEsA, Research Center on Africa and Development, Faculty of Economics and Management, Technical University of Lisbon The Role of China in the Portuguese-Speaking African Countries: The Case of Mozambique
Gabriele Guggiola Department of Economics, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy Redistribution and government tactical behaviour: An analysis of local public expenditure in China after 1994 tax reform
Gaston Fornes (et al) University of Bristol, UK, and ESIC Business and Marketing School, Spain Factor hindering/promoting the international expansion of SMEs from China. Evidence from Anhui Province
Teng Ge & Tao Wuy Department of Economics, University of Essex, Colchester, UK Equilibrium Pricing and Transaction in Housing Market: an Alternative Explanation to China'’s Housing Market
Gravemeyer, Gries, Xue University of Paderborn, Germany; Nagoya University, Japan Poverty and Vulnerability in Urban China
Aying Liu and Dike Li Middlesex University Business School Growth of China's Urban Middle Class: Its Impacts on the Social and Economic Development
Guonan Ma and Wang Yi Bank for International Settlements (BIS); People's Bank of China (PBC) China's high saving rate: myth and reality
Helen Song-Turner University of Ballarat, Australia The Role of Firms in China's Green Marketing
Hong Bo, Valen Sun, Changyun Wang Department of Financial & Management Studies, SOAS, University of London; China Financial Policy Research Center & School of Finance, Renmin University of China. Ownership Contestability and Corporate Value in China
Hongru XIONG, Xiaolan FU, Jizhen LI School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University; Department of International Development, University of Oxford Determinants of Open Innovation for Indigenous Firms in Emerging Economies: Evidence from China
Zhongnan Huang School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK The Use of Proceeds from Seasoned Equity Offerings in China and its long-term performance
Iftikhar Hussain (et al) School of Management, Shanghai University, SMEs Development in Developing Countries through Public - Private Partnership
Jeremy Clegg, Chengqi Wang, Wen Chung Hsu Not stated The effects of Taiwan's outward FDI on home country R&D activities: the roles of location and industry characteristics
Jessie Qi Zhou Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA How do Information Institutions Affect the Performance of International Acquisitions in Emerging Markets?
Ji Huang (et al) University of Birmingham Business School, Department of Accounting and Finance, Birmingham, UK Acquisition Size and Institutional Ownership: Evidence from China
Jian Ke (et al) Banking and Finance, School of Business, University College Dublin, Ireland. Research on Spillover Effects in Financial Risk
Jiandong Chen (et al) Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China The Relationship between the Number of Grouped Sample Household and the Gini Coefficient
Jianyang Hu Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, UK The Local Benefit-Transfers Issue in China - Based on Game Analysis between Central and Local Governments
Jie Zheng (et al) Department of Finance, CentER and Netspar, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Pricing of Longevity Risk: The Case of China
Jing You (et al) School of Social Sciences and Brooks World Poverty Institute, University of Manchester, UK Risk, Agricultural Assets and the Persistence of Poverty in Rural China
Jinghai Zheng Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden China’s Growth Potential in Comparison with the US and the European Union: a Knowledge Production Perspective
Jinghua Xu The Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth, School of Economics and Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China Technological Innovation, Productivity and Competitivenes - Evidence from China's IT Manufacturing
Jinzhao CHEN EconomiX, University of Paris West, Nanterre la Défense, Paris, France Crisis, Capital Controls and Covered Interest Parity: Evidence from China in Transformation
Johanna Rickne Department of Economics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) Protecting workers in the workers' state: Labor market tightness and unemployment insurance in Chinese industrial firms
Julia Tijaja Development Policy and Practice (DPP), The Open University, UK The Impact of China’s Demand on Domestic Value Chains - Lessons from the cassava value chains in Thailand
Jun Hou (et al) UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, The Netherlands Complementarity between internal knowledge creation and external knowledge sourcing: evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms
Jun Du and Min Jia Chen Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK Market Competition Measurements and Firms' R&D Responses to Market Competition Pressure
Adrian Wood and Jörg Mayer ODID, Oxford University; UNCTAD Has China de-industrialised other developing countries? (PowerPoint)
Kwok-Chun WONG University of Hong Kong, China Government Land Ownership and Public Housing: The Experiences of Hong Kong and China
Kenneth E Jackson Centre for Development Studies, University of Auckland Bubbles, froth and substance: world recession, world recovery, developing countries and the China factor.
Richard Kneller and Zhihong Yu1 GEP, School of Economics, University of Nottingham, UK Quality Selection, Chinese Exports and Theories of Heterogeneous Firm Trade
Kelly Labar and Bente Castro Campos IAMO Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle (Saale), Germany Are children dropping out during compulsory schooling, and are there differences between ethnic groups? The cases of rural areas in Guizhou and Hunan provinces, China
Laixiang Sun SOAS, University of London, IGSNRR, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria Electoral Accountability and the Provision of Public Goods in Rural China
Lakhwinder Singh (et al) Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, India Technological Capability, Employment Growth and Industrial Development: A Quantitative Anatomy of Indian Scenario
Lan Gao, Xiaohui Liu, Huan Zou, Lisen Tu Business School, Loughborough University; CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. How do dynamic capabilities and institutions influence the post internationalisation performance of Chinese State-Owned Firms?
Lei Pan (et al) Development Economics Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands Transfers and Development – Easy Come, Easy Go?
AKP Leung Not stated A New China-Africa Financial, Investment & Business Partnership: Lessons for the international aid, investment and trade architecture
Pak-Ho LEUNG (et al) Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China A Factor-Augmented VAR Analysis of the Monetary Policy in China
Li Xie Durham Business School Precautionary Reserves of Emerging Economies: a Behavioural Approach under Loss Aversion
Cheng Li Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Laboratory of ERUDITE, University of Paris-Est-Créteil Does Consumer Confidence Forecast Economic Fluctuations? The Case of China
Lili Kang (et al) Department of Management, Birmingham Business School Education return in urban China: Evidence from CHNS dataset
Hsiang-Chun Michael Lina & Hong Boa Department of Financial & Management Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK State Ownership and Financial Constraints on Investment of Chinese Listed Firms: New Evidence
Zheng Liu Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, UK A study on current business performance of Chinese animation industry
MAGGIE GAO >Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK An Investigation of Trust in Mutual Funds Investment
Marc Bollbach Loughborough University Implementing Lean manufacturing techniques in China - A consideration of country-specific barriers to implementing lean manufacturing in China
Marcus Conlé University of Duisburg-Essen, Mercator School of Management, East Asian Economic Studies/China Health Biotechnology in China: National, Regional, and Sectoral Dimensions
M.J.Herías (et al) Departament d'Economia, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, Spain Weighted convergence and regional clusters across China
Maria Porter University of Oxford, UK Housing Windfalls and Intergenerational Transfers in China
Maria Csanadi Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Institutional Reactions to the Impact of Global Crisis at Source and Destination Cities of Migration in China
Marin Marinov (et al) University of Gloucestershire, UK The Evolution of Country and Firm Specific Advantages and Disadvantages in the Process of Chinese Firm Internationalization
Masuma Farooki Development Policy and Practice Unit, The Open University, UK China’s commodities demand, the financial crisis and economic recovery: What now for resource rich African economies?
Ming Xu Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, China Metaphor of Taoist “Tao” philosophy for the Fictitious Capital Theories - An Investigation Based on Economic Philosophy
Nan Shi Durham Business School, UK Causes of Global Imbalances: A NOEM perspective Zhichao
Nana Zhang Not stated Engendering rural women migrant returnees in contemporary China
Nguyen Duy Loi Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, University of Rouen, France The impact of trade liberalization on the environment in some East Asian countries: an empirical study
Lutao Ning & Dylan Sutherland Durham Business School, University of Durham, UK; Nottingham University, UK Internationalisation of Chinese MNEs during the Global Financial Crisis: Opportunities to Catch up through Pursuing Strategic-Asset-Seeking Outward Foreign Direct Investment?
Ningyue Liu (et al) University College Dublin, Ireland Institutional Investors, Over-investment and Corporate Performance
Oskar Kayasan European Research Centre, London, UK Emerging new rules of the globalisation: Strategic pragmatism of emerging countries
Paul Deng & Gary Jefferson Copenhagen Business School; Brandeis University Inequality and Productivity Growth in China
Paul Iles & John Shutt Salford Business School, University of Salford; Leeds Business School, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Employability, skills and talent management in Zhejiang Provicet
Pei Sun & Haoping Xu School of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Do Ownership Ties and Board Ties to Government Affect Firm Value? Evidence from an Emerging Market Event Study
Peter J. Dowling & Allen D. Engle School of Management, La Trobe University, Bundoora VIC, Australia; College of Business and Technology Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, USA “Transnational Thermals”: A discussion of the interaction of the combined effects of Outward FDI via Chinese SOEs and the Chinese Diaspora to the United States and other advanced economies
Christian Ploberger Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham Sustainability, environmental degeneration and China's expanding energy need: do various renewable energy sources offer an alternative approach to china’s coal based energy generation?
Qing-Ping Ma Nottingham University Business School & Centre for Global Finance, The University of Nottingham Ningbo, Zhejiang, China Housing market in China’s growth recovery and house price determination
Ren Rongwei (et al) Sun Yat-sen University, Xingang Xilu, China An Empirical Study of Resources, Dynamic Capabilities and Performance of Village firms in Clusters of China - With Panel Data of Yang-jiang Cutlery Industrial Cluster
Romain Houssa (et al) CRED, CEREFIM-University of Namur, CES, University of Leuven, Belgium China Africa relationship: good for both parts?
Laura Rovegno Université Catholique de Louvain, IRES, Louvain, Belgium The impact of trade restrictions on exporters’ markups: Evidence from AD against South Korea
Ruixin Su Xi'an Jiaotong University A Study on Relation of CSR and Corporate Efficiency Based on DEA Method
Sai Ding (et al) Department of Economics, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK Negative investment in China: restructuring and financing constraints versus growth
Sanjay Raj Singh (et al) St. Stephen's College, Delhi University, India The Global Economic Crisis, Growth and Employment: The Case of the Indian Textile and Apparel Industry
Daniel Schiller & Henning Kroll Leibniz University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe, Germany, The global economic crisis as leverage for emerging regional growth paths in China? A comparison of tentative evidence from the three major economic regions
J. P. Sharma (et al) Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India Corporate Governance: Investors' Perspective
Sharon Lin (et al) Cass Business School, City University, London, UK Market Behaviour of Foreign versus Domestic Investors Following a Period of Stressful Circumstances
Sheung Kan Luk Department of Economics, University of Oxford, UK Understanding Chinese Renminbi Appreciation: A Microfounded Model with Imperfect Capital Mobility
Sun Jin School of Economics, Renmin University of China Chinese Economic Imbalance and Structure Reform after the Crisis — Based on Financial Development Analysis
Susanne Ruehle Department of Economics, Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany Guanxi as competitive advantage during economic crises: Evidence from China during the recent global financial crisis
Suyu LIU Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Oxford University Advertisements of China Unicom's CDMA Service for the People's Liberate Army: the Effects of Category-Based Stimulus
Anne Terheggen Development Policy and Practice (DPP), The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK China’s Impact on the Tropical Timber Value Chain in Gabon: The Disruptive Nature of Shifting Centres of Consumption
Shann Turnbull International Institute for Self-governance, Woollahra, Sydney, Australia Self-financing Urban Development
Andrew Tylecote & Jiajia Liu Management School, Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK Do Intellectual Property Rights Impede or Assist Developing Country Firms in Reaching Technological Competitiveness? Case Studies of Three Chinese Manufacturing Firms
Valeria Gattai University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy Dissecting Chinese ODI: Dragon Multinationals in Italy
Ari Van Assche Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium The Role of Trade Costs in Global Production Networks. Evidence from China's Processing Trade Regime
Thomas Vendryes Paris School of Economics, France. Migration Constraints and Development: Hukou and Capital Accumulation in China.
Wang Xun China (et al) Center for Economic Research, Peking University, China What Determine China’s Inflation?
Wei Huang Nottingham University Business School China, University of Nottingham Ningbo China Banking Sector Reforms and Commercial Bank Performance in China
Weiqing Luo (et al) Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Does Fiscal Decentralization Reduce Public Education Provision in China? A Theoretical Model and Prefectural Panel-Data Research
Wenlong Yuan (et al) University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Defensive and Expansion Responses to Environmental Shocks in China: Interpreting the 2008 Economic Crisis
Wenting Zhang (et al) Durham Business School, University of Durham, UK Exchange Rate Dynamics in the Chinese Foreign Exchange Market: An Order Flow Analysis
Xi Chen Department of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University, USA Pure Entertainment or Social Harmony? Understanding Private Returns to Social Spending on Household Ceremonies in China
Xiaohui Liu (et al) Business School, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK Motives for Chinese Outward FDI: Firm Resources, Industry Dynamics, and Government Policies
Xiaoping Hu and Yan Xing Center for Macroeconomics Research, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China Economic Effects of Financial and Fiscal Support for Agriculture in Western China: An Exemplification from Sichuan-Chongqing economic zone
Xiaoqing (Maggie) Fu (et al) Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, Macau, China. Bank Efficiency and Productivity Change in Hong Kong and Macau
Xiaoxuan MA (et al) School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, China Government as the Platform Provider in the Triple Helix Perspective: Evidence from Technological Innovation Service Platform in China
Xiong Hui Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, China The Comparative Studies on the Security Market Efficiency between Chinese and American Markets before and after the Crisis
Xiuping Hua (et al) Management School at University of Sheffield, UK, China Finance 40 Forum An Evaluation of Different Proposals and a Trade-Off Solution to the Reform of RMB Exchange Rate Regime
Yao Liu School of Economics, Nankai University, China, GEP and School of Economics, University of Nottingham, UK Offshoring, Factor Price and Welfare: From A Specifc Factor View
Yejing Huang Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China Technology Spillover Effect of International Outsourcing to Outsourcing Suppliers - Case Study on Ningbo Garment Cluster in China
Yi-Jung Chen Institute of Human Resource Development, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan Neutralizing the effect of perceived underemployment on organizational citizenship behaviors by ingratiation motive
Yi Zhang (et al) Utrecht University School of Economics, Utrecht, The Netherlands Regional Determinants of FDI in China: A Factor-based Approach
Yılmaz Kılıçaslan (et al) Department of Economics, Anadolu University Technology, Specialisation and Productivity in Manufacturing Industry: A Cross Country Analysis
Ying Jiang (et al) University of Nottingham Ningbo, China Market States and Contrarian strategy: Evidence from Chinese stock market.
Mei Yu and Yong Yang Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK; Brunel Business School, Brunel University, UK CEO duality and firm performance - Do macroeconomic factors matter?
YuYongda and Wang Hao School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, P.R.China The Innovation Strategy of the Industrial Transformation: Evidence from Pearl River Delta in China
Zengyu Huang and Xia Han - Does Performance Matter in Service MNCs’ Strategic Choice of Entry Mode
Sheng ZHAO City University of Hong Kong, China Government, Public Policy and Social Welfare in a Tourism Economy
Zheng Wang (et al) GEP and School of Economics, University of Nottingham, UK Weighing China's Export Basket: An Account of the Chinese Export Boom, 2000–2007
Ziliang Deng (et al) School of Business, Renmin University of China, China Swapping Market Access for Technology Spillovers? Tax Incentives and Foreign Direct Investment in China